Friday, September 9, 2011

The Beginning

Hello friends. My name is Elise Sugarman, and I'm currently a college sophomore considering a degree in either Philosophy, something Biology-y, or a stressful combination of the two (even though secretly, I'm woefully lost and have no clue what I want to do with my life). I love to drink tea and listen to vinyl and pretend I'm a hipster, even though upon meeting me you'll realize that I'm obviously not one.

What is this blog, you might ask? Irrelevant Revelations? That sounds random. Well, that's the point! Sometimes I'll find myself slipping into a delirious state of frenzied philosophical thought after a particularly salient experience or a lot of caffeine. And usually during these times, I think about impractical and irrelevant things. Such ponderings don't usually sit well alongside my daily activities or conversations; they tackle questions that are both too abstract or too fundamental to ever really have satisfying answers. These ideas are usually met with a smile and an endearing "smh" by my friends, who think I'm at least partly crazy.

I've been thinking for a while about how I could express, store, and organize my ideas in a way that was more conducive to everyone's sanity. I think I've come up with the solution: this blog! Readers are more than encouraged to exercise their *free will* in deciding what to read and what not to, unlike my hapless friends that have to listen to me randomly spurt philosophical nonsense. I'll try to post when I can. For each post, I will also try to cite relevant books or people when I can.

Please note that this blog will not have the stringent logical rigor of a philosophy paper or the smooth eloquence of an English essay. It is not meant to. This will simply serve as an arena for my non sequitur, loose musings, and hopefully as you read you can muse along with me!

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